11 Most Dangerous States In The U.S. In 2023, According To WalletHub Data
BY: Maria Valencia
SOURCE: https://www.travelinglifestyle.net/most-dangerous-states-in-america/
The United States ranks 131th out of 163 nations in terms of global peace, according to the Global Peace Index. The United States can be dangerous for residents and guests, as hate crimes, mass shootings, natural disasters and terrorist attacks are regularly reported in the news. Safety is an important consideration for anyone considering moving, especially those looking to raise a family, and it can impact the overall quality of life.
In the United States, safety varies greatly by state. Wallethub evaluated all 50 states using 53 different indicators. Each state was assigned a score out of 100. The indications were classified into the following groups: Personal and residential safety, financial safety, road safety, workplace safety, and emergency preparedness are all topics covered. Number of Fatalities per 100 Million Vehicle Miles Traveled; Number of Law-Enforcement Employees per Capita; Number of Assaults per Capita; Bullying Incidence Rate; Unemployment Rate; Share of Uninsured Population; Percentage of Adults with Rainy-Day Funds; Total Loss Amount from Climate Disasters per Capita; and Number of Fatal Occupational Injuries per Total Workers were some of the indicators used by Wallethub.
Related: Most dangerous U.S. cities in 2023
What are the Most Dangerous States in America?
11. Nevada

Avoiding high-risk regions when traveling is the best way to stay safe. The good news is that most of Las Vegas’ riskier neighborhoods do not attract many visitors to begin with.
Be sure to gamble at establishments that have strong and clearly visible security measures, as certain casinos are safer than others.
Do not be reckless when you are on the Strip, because while it’s generally safe there, there are still a lot of people out and about because it’s a crowded place where gambling and other shady activities take place.
The only tourist-friendly place in Vegas that could be dangerous if you are not vigilant is the Strip because of the types of people that the gambling industry can attract.
If you are a woman, you should avoid being alone on the Strip.
10. Tennessee
Tennessee is the 10th most dangerous state in the nation. Tennessee’s crime rate is 3,248 crimes per 100,000 residents after adjusting for population.
Memphis is one of the most violent cities in the country, so that can skew the statistics. Knoxville and Nashville are both generally safe cities. The city of Chattanooga is known for its crime rate. While most of the state is safe, some spots should be avoided.
9. Missouri
Missouri ranks as the seventh-most dangerous state in the United States with a total score of 41.48. In terms of emergency preparedness, Missouri is ranked 4oth, and 10% of the population lacks health insurance. With 9.8 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, Missouri has the second-highest homicide rate in the nation, despite being ranked 39th for personal and residential safety.
8. Florida
Florida, the third most dangerous state, ranks 43rd in financial and workplace safety and 43rd for road safety. At 13.2% of its population, Florida has one of the highest percentages of uninsured people. As of November 2020, Florida’s unemployment rate was 6.4%.
7. Alabama

Alabama is ranked eighth among the riskiest states in the United States. In terms of emergency preparedness, Alabama comes in 46th. With 8.3 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, Alabama has the seventh-highest homicide rate and the fifth-highest rate of assaults per capita. The overall crime rate in Alabama is 3,185.26 per 100,000 residents.
6. Montana
If you visit Montana, stay away from some cities because they have higher crime rates.
Wolf Point
Each of these places is a small town with a struggling economy.
The numbers show that even in Ronan, which ranks first, there is a low probability of becoming a victim here.
5. Oklahoma
The fifth-least secure state is Oklahoma. Oklahoma placed 44th for emergency preparedness, 47th for workplace safety, and 45th for financial safety. The third-highest percentage of uninsured people reside in Oklahoma. residents who lack health insurance make up 14.3%. The overall crime rate in Oklahoma is 3,277.08 per 100,000 residents.
4. Arkansas
Arkansas ranks as the fourth-least safe state in the nation with a total score of 36.14. Arkansas does marginally better in the other areas but ranks 49th for Personal & Residential Safety and 48th for Emergency Preparedness. Arkansas is third in the nation for both attacks per person and bullying incidence rates. Arkansas, at 8.6 murders per 100,000 residents, has the fifth-highest murder rate in the country.
3. Texas

Texas is the country’s third-most dangerous state. Texas received a total score of 34.78, placing it 43rd for personal & residential safety and 48th for emergency preparedness. 18.4% of the population in Texas lacks health insurance, making it the state with the greatest percentage of uninsured persons.
2. Mississippi
Mississippi is the second-most dangerous state in the country. Mississippi is ranked 48th for financial safety and workplace safety and 49th overall for emergency preparedness and road safety. Mississippi ranks second in terms of deaths per 100 million miles of travel. Mississippi’s unemployment rate is among the highest in the nation. Prior to COVID-19, the unemployment rate was approximately 5.5%; it is now approximately 6.4%.
The safest states in the U.S. are Maine, Vermont, and Minnesota.
1. Louisiana

The most dangerous state in the country is Louisiana. Regarding financial security and emergency readiness, Louisiana comes up at number 47. At 8.3% as of November 2020, Louisiana’s unemployment rate is among the highest. Louisiana has one of the greatest fatality rates per 100 million miles traveled and the third-highest number of bullying incidents. With 14.4 murders per 100,000 people, Louisiana also has the highest homicide rate in the United States.
Other Relative Dangerous States in the U.S.:
South Carolina

South Carolina is at the top of the list of the ten most dangerous states. South Carolina is ranked 46th for road safety and 44th for personal & residential safety. The state with the most fatalities per 100 million car miles traveled is South Carolina. In terms of overall crime rates, the state ranks fifth with 3,451.58 incidents per 100,000 residents. Additionally, with 7.8 murders per 100,000 residents, it has the ninth-highest homicide rate in the nation.
Georgia ranks as the ninth-most dangerous state in the nation with a total score of 40.91. Georgia is ranked 50th for financial safety and 44th for road safety, but it is ranked 25th for personal & residential safety, a much better position. Georgia ranks fourth in terms of the percentage of uninsured residents. 13.4% of people lack health insurance, according to statistics.
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